“Going On Holiday?” | Small Talk…

Holidays Matter…

Hair salon small talk can be a pleasant way to pass the time whilst the stylist makes you look dreamy! Yet there is always one question, no matter what time of year, that is asked…

“Going on holiday this year?”

Why THIS question..?

Well, like in any service led organisation, it’s essential that managers and staff are friendly, polite and engaging with their customers. Showing an interest, making eye contact and ensuring that the person they are talking to feels welcome. Not only is it good manners, it’s the make or break for the business.

But still, why ‘this’ question..?

Whether you are adding an extra day to a weekend, taking a short mid-week break or going on a full-blown two-week vacation; breaks away matter. People are interested in where you choose to spend your ‘down-time’. Many people will ‘holiday’ vicariously through others!

Hearing about holidays lifts your spirits. It sparks common interests and draws out shared experiences – making the conversation and relationship flow and grow.

For many of us however, we’re restricted, not only by a tight purse string, but also a limited amount of leave that we can take to experience holidays. So, there are two things we do as humans, either dream about them, or try and find the time and the budget to make the holiday happen.

Why do we need a break-away..?

Just like we all look forward to our days off work, there are very few of us who don’t love a break away. No matter if it’s a weekend or a week; getting away from the everyday is rejuvenating , it pops a spring back in your step. What’s more, there’s something unparalleled about a rest.

But what sort of break is best?

Should we be thinking that we need one long two-week holiday a year? What about two separate weeks? Or perhaps a handful of long weekends?  Or is it enough to keep evenings and weekends free to plan some excursions?

The truth is, getting away, resting and making memories tends not to depend on how much you spend, how far you travel or how long your holiday is. It’s the intensity of the experiences and the change of activity that matters the most.

It may be adding an extra day or two to your weekend or gambling all your leave on one single holiday. It could involve shopping well or jet-skiing badly; taking time out and having a break is essential for your mind, body and soul.

City Break By the Sea…

A city break is the perfect solution.  Not only can they be really affordable and accessible, you can often experience the beating heart of a new city in just a few days. Add that to a city with views, history and fabulous things to see and do, you have a real winner! Plymouth and Strathmore House Apartments.

Perhaps Strathmore House Apartments has the answer…

Whichever way you plan your holiday, the days off you can afford to take, or the money you can afford to pay. Strathmore House Apartments has 1,2,3 and 4 bedroom apartments, various prices with different offers and all with an easy way to check availability!

Make plans to visit Plymouth and stay with us. Then, next time the stylist asks about your holiday – you can leave looking both dreamy and super excited!

A Magical Christmas Carol Service…

Transforming Plymouth Together…

This time of year is traditionally characterised by tinsel-decorated trees; mince pies; present-giving; a turkey dinner (or two) and of course carols.

This year you can once again delight in the sounds of a fabulous selection of sing along classics at the Dementia Friendly Carol Service; it’s being held on Wednesday 11th December.

You can listen to your favourite carols and hear some lovely readings from some very special guests.

St Pauls Church in Stonehouse will be the host of this very special concert. Although everyone is welcome, it’s also perfect for people living with, or caring for those with Dementia.

The event starts at 3pm, and just as the songs used to bring people together many hundreds of years ago, the magic will be clear to see when you attend this amazing service.

Singing carols at Christmas with those that you love, brings families and friends together over Christmas time. But for some with Dementia, the music makes them feel connected to a time period or a memory that they can associate with that song. This then creates a magic with every note.

To find out more you can email: transformingplymouthtogether.org.uk or call: 07710096210


The Perfect Gift This Christmas…

travel size make up

Sometimes, one of the hardest questions you have to answer is that big annual one:

‘… so, what do YOU want for Christmas?’

We of course all answer ‘Oh nothing, just good health and happiness for my family’. Perhaps then followed by: ‘and the children to stop fighting!’ Yet here at Strathmore House Apartments we think we have come up with the perfect gift, that keeps on giving!

Travel Size Gift Sets!

There really is nothing quite like the treat of opening the perfect makeup gift set, face masks or serums to perfect your holiday! It may be a family week in the sun, or a romantic weekend for two at Strathmore House Apartments. Opening up a brand new little cosmetic treat is the perfect addition to any break away.

This time of year is perfect for them too. Beauty brands bring together their best products – and occasionally some limited edition versions, too.

Whether it’s a friend, family member – or you just fancy treating yourself; Travel Size Treats are perfect to pop away and bring out when you’re packing your overnight bag or suitcase.

So, we suggest that you add your favourite brand to your Christmas list this year, pronto! Get some Travel Gift Sets and then get travelling!

**Our 2020 rates are some of the best we have had at Strathmore House Apartments. If you’re looking to give the perfect gift, why not book Strathmore House Apartments for the people you love, get together and make some sensational memories.

5 Reasons Why We All Need Date Nights…

Make The Moments…

We don’t need the countless studies by researchers, marriage counsellors and the like to know that taking time out with the one you love is essential for our happiness within a relationship.

Whether you have been together for 6 months or 6 years,  it’s easy to lose romance and feel distant from your lover.

Sometimes it can feel like you house share and occupy the same calendar from time to time, instead of feeling that close connection we all long for. What makes things even harder is the fast pace of life. Juggling work, children, in-laws and the endless commitments we have when trying to adult!

We need to stop making excuses and set aside a little time to spend with the one we love. That way, our relationships will be happier, stronger and more fun! 

Here at Strathmore House Apartments we love hearing about our guests who are making the time to take time for a romantic break away.

It doesn’t have to be costly either; for just £70 a night, a one bedroom apartment can make the perfect nest to reconnect.

It may be hard to schedule a date night once a week, or even once a month due to work, babysitters and life; but a short break away once a year … well that could be the perfect remedy.

We play Cupid here at Strathmore House Apartments and share the top FIVE reasons why we think a romantic break away is just what the LOVE Doctor ordered…


Sometimes you can be plagued with loneliness even in a relationship. This is no ones fault. Sadly it’s just life. However a romantic date night or weekend break allows couples to stay current with each other’s lives. Many couples are very busy, with little together time, so it’s important to catch up on what has been going on in one another’s lives. This can help each spouse support the other but also grow together; being stronger and more united.

A much needed break…

Even though we love our children, we still need a break from them sometimes! We all need some ‘adult’ alone time. What’s more, there is nothing wrong or selfish about it! It’s nice to have time one on one, where you don’t have to worry about household chores, cooking or little ears listening! It’s nice to take a step back from the bills and important life choices that are always encompassing us and take a break; but most importantly laugh while you love, have fun and make memories!

Rekindle the spark…

Date nights are for remembering why you fell in love in the firs place. If you don’t go on dates often, then a weekend treat away is the perfect time to get the sparks flying again! One on one time can remind you of what life was like before children, washing baskets and empty fridges! Stress brings out the worst in everyone, so at Strathmore House Apartments we keep stress at the door so you can concentrate on fun.

Fill your love tank…

Sometimes you don’t realise your love tank is empty until it’s too late! A date in the diary for a couple of days away will help both of you to get through the everyday; ready for the one day. Getting away fills your ‘love tank’ so you can navigate the stresses of life together, ready for the next time!

Lead by example…

One of the most important things about a happy relationship is the lessons it bestows on our little ones. When children see  relationships are important, they  grow up with a great bench mark for their own relationships.  By seeing you go on dates; by seeing you come back happy, knowing that you are in a loving relationship, it helps them see that positive relationships are important. When children see this, it really helps them develop independence, self esteem and a good understanding of what well-being looks like.

Your Romantic Break Away …

Whether you live 5 minutes down the road or 5 hours up the motorway; Strathmore House Apartment is the perfect setting for a romantic break away. Two nights in a one bedroom apartment can cost as little as £140. There is everything you need and more and the location is perfect. Plus you have free access to Club Continental where you can start the relaxing and unwinding and chill-out together. With everything on your doorstep, you can walk holding hands; stop for a coffee (or wine) and just enjoy some you time.

Check availability and make that date – your heart deserves it.

2020 | A Wonderful Year For Plymouth …


Plymouth is revving its 2020 engine…

The noise is getting louder! The plans are getting closer! The events calendar is having every ‘i’ dotted and ‘t’ crossed! Mayflower400 is almost here!

With 2020 comes over 400 moments to explore EVERY aspect of the Mayflower voyage. I wonder if 400 years ago they could have imagined such celebrations?

There will be art, music, theatre, exhibitions, storytelling, digital innovation, literature, crafts, festivals, debates and that’s just mentioning a hand-full!  Included in the year will be a diverse approach to the themes of Imagination, Humanity, Freedom and Future. There won’t be a week out of the 52 that doesn’t have a nod in the direction of Mayflower.

2020 will not only be a year for Plymouth to be proud. It will be a year whereby Plymouth will welcome many new friends, from all over the globe.

The Mayflower 400 programme will explore all aspects of the Mayflower history and legacy. Nevertheless, the year won’t only mark a historical moment. It won’t only unfold a legacy, but will also be shaping things to come.


There are many things that Plymouth does well, and one of them is most defiantly the annual calendar of events. Signature events that happen every year, and that grow and grow in popularity, foot fall and wonder.

Events ranging from the British Fireworks Championship through to the Seafood Festival … with more in between and ether side! Don’t Worry Though! These events aren’t going anywhere next year! They will remain and they will continue to grow throughout 2020. All that will happen is that they will take on a Mayflower 400 twist; the energy and excitement will be an all time high – making 2020 a great years to visit!

So, whether you are a new visitor or a long-time friend, next year is the perfect year to visit our city by the sea. Stay with us to be in the centre of the action, in the glorious home from home comfort of a serviced apartment.

A Short Break Itinerary For Our City By The Sea…

plymouth sound

We know that not everyone has the chance to take a long break in Plymouth.  To really soak up all that this beautiful city has on offer; and that’s ok! At Strathmore House Apartments you are on the doorstep to the plethora of riches on offer in Plymouth. So, it makes it really easy to pack in all the wonders in just a long-weekend or a short break.

Situated on Elliot Street, the area is home to some breathtaking Victorian architecture and alive with history; which continues to provide us with a calming rhythm, sincere sense of style and everlasting elegance of the era.

A Short Stroll From All The Sights…

A short stroll away you will find Plymouth Hoe, which forms the natural heart of Plymouth. With its breathtaking views across Plymouth Sound, you can see why it is one of the most perfect natural harbours in the world. With terraced cafes and cliff edged bars and restaurants; you can grab a coffee whilst absorbing the sounds and smell of the sea air. It really is the perfect treat and by far the nicest way to appreciate Plymouths history.

Standing tall on the green-lawned expanse and hard to miss is the iconic Smeaton’s Tower. A place enjoyed over the years by many, not least The Beatles! Open throughout the year it offers a beautiful vantage point from its stunning lantern room.

The local hero is of course Sir Francis Drake. You will see him immortalised in a statue on the Hoe.  In the place he finished his game on the green before heading off to defeat the Spanish Armada in 1588.

Then to Plymouth’s modern heroes. The troops of 29 Commando Royal Artillery, based in the beautiful Royal Citadel. Here you will see the most impressive 17th century fortress in Britain.

On the Hoe you will also stumble across our large outdoor, salt water pool; Tinside Lido. Built in 1935 providing a cooling retreat on those hot summer days. With  fountains, inflatable fun sessions and stunning views across Plymouth Sound. Complete with a sunbathing terrace, loungers, deckchairs and wet-suit hire all with disabled access. What is truly charming about the Lido is they still allow you to take your own refreshments and picnics.  Making a great spot to open your wicker baskets and flasks, grab a deckchair and enjoy lunch with a view!

To The Left, To The Left..!

Continue your stroll to the left of Smeaton’s Tower and you will discover the very beautiful Plymouth Barbican. Dazzling you with its charm and wealth of history, like a wise old owl, packed with knowledge and oozing history. From the Pilgrim Fathers who set sail aboard the Mayflower Ship in 1620 from the Mayflower Steps; to the home of Plymouth Gin and it’s fine Distillery. Hints of the talented artist Robert Lenkiewicz can be seen and some quirky, independent shops and of course delicious fish and chips!   Here you can also hop on a water-taxi and explore our city by the sea.

To The Right, To The Right..!

Following the coast to your right of Smeatons Tower you have the newly developed Millbay; showcasing the areas engineering past and stunning seascapes. The view of the Millbay basin which was designed and built by distinguished engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1857; is remarkable. The gorgeous vista encompassing boats and catamarans bobbing sleepily in the marina and Drake’s Island beyond is the perfect backdrop after a busy day.

Close by you can also find the largest collection of Grade I listed buildings in Europe; The Royal William Yard. These former Royal Naval victualling buildings are alive with cafes, bars, restaurants, museum, art galleries and shops, making a great place to soak up the atmosphere and stunning backdrop that nightfall brings.

Looking out across Plymouth Sound you can also spy a historic island fortress with an underground network of tunnels called Drakes Island. The island boasts a 16th Century barracks and a pier and its history is rooted deeply in the DNA of Plymouth. Sir Francis Drake departed from the island in 1577 and he returned to the same spot three years later, after travelling the globe.

Drake’s Island now has a new custodian, Morgan Phillips, who has amazing plans to restore it for the people of Plymouth and visitors to the city.

Adding to your list of must sees whilst in Plymouth is Devonport, a place that is well worth a visit if you have time and like history.

Moving Along…

Formerly named Plymouth Dock, Devonport is home to Devonport Park, the oldest formal public park in Plymouth and the fabulous Devonport Guildhall. Nestled in the heart of Devonport, the Guildhall and Column are historic gems and now home to an amazing artisan baker, and old morgue, local artist’s exhibitions in the Cells and much, much more!

The high ground that you see in Devonport is called Mount Wise, standing tall to protect the coastal approach to the dockyard. You also have the very beautiful Richmond Walk.

Moving back in land, Plymouth is the largest centre for shopping in the South West, outside of Bristol. It features many independent retailers, market stalls, as well as national and international brands and high street favourites. The City Centre is pedestrianised, so you can take your time wondering around picking up unique finds and visiting our landmark shopping centre, Drake Circus.

And there you have it! A pre-made itinerary that can be enjoyed on foot over two or three days. An itinerary full of diverse riches of offer in Britain’s Ocean City!


Get Lost…

Holiday in Plymouth

Getting Lost In Plymouth…

Can you imagine! Long ago, people actually found their way around a new area or the great outdoors without Google Maps! Here at Strathmore House Apartments, we challenged friends to explore Plymouth WITHOUT the aid of a mobile device!

It was so much fun hearing all about their day. They went out and about, exploring Plymouth’s beauty by chance!

Using only natural directional signs and the tourist information signage around Plymouth we asked them to set aside their mobile maps and just ‘get lost’ in the beauty of Plymouth!

Meet John & Margaret…

John and Margaret boldly took on the challenge, and we sat down with them the next day to see how they found their adventures in Britain’s Ocean City…

“We decided to leave our phones at home! Although in our 60’s we do tend to lean on them more often than not. We ask hundreds of questions a day using Google; normally to appease a disagreement! John mostly wins – he was a History teacher for 40 years so has the winning hand most of the time!

We LOVED this challenge! So much so, we decided that we would do this more often as it felt so freeing! Don’t get me wrong, technology is advantageous and we wouldn’t be without it, but to escape it and truly explore is a remarkable experience. Armed with just Johns watch (to keep an eye on the dinner reservation) we were off!

We left at 10.15, just after breakfast and headed out of the apartments up to the Hoe. I must say, the signage and information boards are a real asset to Plymouth; we loved learning about the area and just looking. The vista is breathtaking.

The Liner Lookout…

As we were walking towards the sea we stumbled across a beautiful little cafe. It’s called the Liner Lookout. They were just opening and Ann (I believe she was called) really made us feel welcome. The coffee was spectacular, and the view breathtaking. They do food too, but we had just had breakfast, so will go back as the prices were VERY reasonable. We learnt that it was a watch tower in the 1870’s, looking out for the big ships coming in to Plymouth. We will be doing more research; this was just what we picked up in our conversation over coffee!

We then left and walked down to the sea, it was a clear day and the view really was incredible. We decided to turn right and walk down through the park. I love gardening and so we wondered around looking at the amazing splashes of colour – and of course watched the children eating ice-cream and having goes on the little bright train!

We went on looking at the amazing architecture and the odd shapes of the buildings that had obviously been bombed in the war.

The Beauty Of Plymouth…

We came to Millbay Park, you had to really hunt for any plaques and signage here, but it’s worth it when you find them! It was a little bit of a letdown and one of the only times we wished we had Google! Luckily we met a gentleman walking his dog who told us where we had to look, and that the area was home to an old prison site and the Soap Factory and that Chris Robinson does some great books on the history of Plymouth – so John is very excited about that!

Then we took a gentle stroll down to the Royal William Yard. We have been before and love the atmosphere. There is a lovely clothes shop called Identity Fashion, we had a coffee in Ocean Studios and then a glass of wine in the Seco Lounge. Walking around the buildings was captivating; we decided that if we were ever to move to Plymouth then this would definitely be a place to consider!

Our stroll took us up some steps and on to Devils Point Park. The view was spectacular and the signage was brilliant. We were able to look out and know what we were seeing! Again, we got chatting to the lady in the cafe, she told us that the area by families to say goodbye or welcome to loved ones on naval ships as they made their way to and from the dockyards. You could really feel that in the air. There were public toilets here too, so it made a great pit-stop after the copious beverages that fueled our footsteps!

The Walk Home…

We left and walked down back to the roundabout outside the Royal William Yard and down by the Cremyll Ferry. They are really regular, every thirty minutes, but we had to make our dinner reservation so decided not to explore this time.

We took a mosey on down to Union Street, and then stopped off at a lovely little shop which did the most amazing coffee. Then back to Strathmore House Apartments, it was just after 4pm.

What an amazing day we had! John got straight on Goggle to look for Chris Robinson books and I called our daughter to tell her of our adventures! We then got ready leisurely for dinner on the Barbican in the Pasta Bar, it was divine and the service amazing.


Family Fun In Plymouth…

Happy is said to be the family that can eat onions together.
–Charles Dudley Warner, author


August always feels like a significant month within the year. For many of us because this really highlights a time of perfect family fun … and the fondest of family memories. This was the month when the weather was better, school was out and the days felt long and sunny.

Family get togethers were held. The picnic blankets and ball games came out of the garage and the car boot was loaded with the excitement of summer!

The day was planned and every family unit brought Tupperware full of boiled eggs, pickled onions and corned beef sandwiches! Whilst competition was rhyf because everyone wanted to win at the rounders!

Today, it can be a little more challenging to get the entire family together. Much more planning is needed – but boy is it worth it when we do!

Strathmore House Apartments …

Strathmore House Apartments are the perfect space to get everyone together for a few days of family fun. We have apartments that can accommodate 2 – 8 guests, in our 1-4 bedroomed apartments. Every month has amazing things happening in Britain’s Ocean City and August is no different!

This is the the month that is always full to the brim with events, activities, festivals and more in Plymouth – with lots of wonderful free fun things too.  What’s more, with our fabulous kitchens it’s so easy to prepare an alfresco heaven of more than just a pickled onion or two!

August In Plymouth …

August brings an array of fabulous activities in a city that really blossoms in the longer days.

There is the Love Summer Festival;  Fireworks Championships; Outdoor Theatre; Plymouth Pride; Ocean City Blues N Jazz Festival and so much more.

It’s not just the events themselves that bring colour to Plymouth, the entire city shines with energy and passion.

Drakes Circus brings colour to our amazing indoor shopping centre with ‘Drakes Circus Pride’ this week, whilst St Luke’s have their heard of elephants brighten our streets with Elmers Big Parade.

Plus you have the stunning Tinside on your doorstep; offering a perfect slice of the quintessential British seaside, where laughter ripples as much as the waves.

Plan your family fun today; stay with us and explore Plymouth whilst making memories that will last a lifetime.

A Darling Time By The Seaside…

Staff Have Their Say On Their City.

Plymouth is etched in the heart of everyone that has visited, who lives here and who works in our beautiful city by the sea.

Like a stick of rock, they say if a ‘Plymouthian’ was to be cut open, there would be Plymouth Pride running through their veins!

So this summer, we will be asking our amazing team here at Strathmore House Apartments to give a chapter, in less than 500 words, on what Plymouth means to them.

First up…

Elinor Eaton, Development Manager at Strathmore House Apartments, Plymouth.

The power of a Plymouth holiday isn’t just what it gives you; it’s what it takes from you too!

The Perfect holiday destination…Plymouth. And perhaps the greatest natural anti-depressant the world has to offer.

In a life that is far more hectic than ever before there is, in my humble opinion, nothing quite as relaxing, refreshing, revitalising or releasing as escaping to the sight of the sea and to Plymouth.

Picture this if you will…

The sun shining on your skin and warming it gentle as the breeze clips your curls. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, gently brushing the pebbles. Seagulls chanting overhead. The smell of perfectly brewed Devon Coffee beans and freshly baked pastries from the pier side cafes. The clinking of ice in a tall glass of Plymouth Gin & Tonic … and the thought of a few blissful days of nothing but this … on repeat!

Tell me. Could there be anything better?

United, your senses become alive and your hectic everyday a thing of the past. All you  have threaded through your next few every days is the release of your tense shoulders, your clenched teeth and your worry frowns. Nothing will be more real than having a darling time by our seaside. Nothing will be more freeing that what our seaside gives but what it takes away too!

Imagine life as a deep sea dive. Coming to the surface for a deep intake of air, filling your lungs to then duck your head back under again.

We take the air to survive, but we forget how to thrive.

A common occurrence in the 21st century. Our previous generations before us working only to live, now it feels as if we live only to work.

How do we get the balance right?

We get the balance by not just visiting Plymouth, but learning from it too.  It may feel like a break, an escape from the frantic city pace, into a less rapid way of life. But thanks to our amazing city, we can all learn how to bring the sea spirit – back to the city streets.

How we can take a moments breath not just for survival but to appreciate the view, the moment and the time. All precious and all too often forgotten.

A holiday in Plymouth isn’t just a holiday.

Our rich past is in every footstep we take. Our amazing vista on every corner we turn. The sea air in every rich breath that we take.

We can all learn something from Britain’s Ocean City, but don’t just come here to find something. Come to Plymouth to lose something too. Lose the tight chest. The panicked soul and the stress in your veins and let Plymouth wash it all away.

There really is a little magic in the Plymouth air! 

Visit us and see for yourself!


Roll Up, Roll Up! Plymouth Summer Circus is coming…

A Touch Of Colour This Summer!

The fun of the circus is almost upon us –  we can not wait!

It will be in Plymouth City Centre on Saturday 6 July. It really will be all the fun of the circus and what’s more; IT’S FREE!

There will be a stage and an aerial rig in the Piazza; with a programme packed full of fun between 11am to 3pm on Saturday 6 July.  The NEW Plymouth Summer Circus event will have sensational  performers. There will be trapeze artists, jugglers, sword swallowers, fire breathers, and unicyclists. You will be entertained for HOURS!

Throughout the day, Higher Beings will also be offering circus skills workshops so you can give it a go for yourself! The workshops will give you the chance to have fun and test yourself on a free-standing tightrope and a freestanding slackline. Or choose to stay with your feet firmly on the ground with their circus equipment.


Plymouth Summer Circus marks the start of Plymouth Summer of Fun. This welcomes the start of a wide range of family friendly events that are taking place in the city centre every weekend during the summer holidays.

Plymouth Summer of Fun runs until 31 August, when it concludes with the grand finale of the West End Carnival and 60th Anniversary of Plymouth Market.

Activities taking place throughout the summer include free ping pong sessions, street entertainers, dance performances and so much more. Plymouth is coming alive for the entire family to enjoy in our City By The Sea This Summer.