Create A Family Scrapbook…

collection of photos on a bed

Happy New Year to you all!

It’s the dawn of a New Year!

Perhaps your Christmas Tree and it’s needles are now slumped in your garden ready for the next dry weekend to be removed to the tip..?

Maybe you are down to the last crumbs of Christmas Cheese and the chocolates that nobody liked..?

Whatever the post Christmas blues look like; the days are dark and dreary and somehow the air just feels deflated.

FEAR NOT! We have the perfect solution. No. REALLY WE DO!

Thanks to social media, we have memory reminders flashing through our fingers (or thumbs!) throughout the year.  But how about you set yourself a new memory making challenge, ready for the most amazing Family Newsletter ever sent!

Creating a family newsletter can be a fun way to stay in touch with your friends and far-flung family, but also to record moments that could so easily be forgotten.  It’s something you can do as a family, and a way that the magic in the moments that you make throughout the year, can stay for a lifetime, and beyond.

At Strathmore House Apartments, we LOVE being part of peoples memories and so we wanted to help inspire, and perhaps be part of something, that the entire family can roll up their sleeves and be a part of.

Our Challenge/Suggestion!

Keeping a family scrapbook may sound old school; but we figure if Champion and Fila can make a come-back, so too can the good old scrap book surely!

By keeping an active scrapbook that documents memories both big and small, you will have a record of your year that you can keep on a shelf – not just in the clouds!

Photos, maps, receipts, bottle tops, pictures; you name it. It can all go in the scrapbook to cherish. In isolation pretty insignificant, in your family scrapbook  a fantastic time capsule of what your clan’s been up to. Keeping moments alive; but also a great reminder when it comes to writing your family newsletter in the New Year of 2020!

2020 is one heck of a milestone year. The mark of a significant new chapter. How wonderful would it be to have something that boasts about your families whereabouts, adventures and triumphs the year before 2020, the year of 2020 and the year after 2020?

It could be first days at School, College, Uni even. First Car;  First bike (maybe first girlfriend…eek!!).

This amazing book of family wonder will help you keep your memories alive, but also there to share with future generations. Noting what may at the time seem like not much, but in the future will be your family history gems.

An activity for the whole family to help out with; and have fun with; even your pets perhaps!

Make it pretty. Make it fun. Make it all about you!

If the Kardashion’s can – so too can you! Let’s not let January make us grey – let’s put some colour back in our days and start a new, fun, family project!

Make the memories. Share the memories. Keep the memories.  AND if at all possible – let us be part of them too!

Happy 2019 everyone. Here’s to a fabulous year.

Happy scrapbook making. Happy memory making. Happy Holidays!